Ebook, Paperback
A brief and balanced introduction and response to the culture of "woke" for busy people.
-introduces and explains a range of key ideas, from postmodernity to political correctness, which define aspects of woke culture;
-offers Christian reflection and practical advice to parents, students, pastors, educators, policymakers, and any other concerned citizens; and
-helps faithful Christians respond to those issues with clarity, charity, vigour, and effectiveness.

Nigel Biggar, Ph.D., Regius Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology, University of Oxford
I know of no other book that explains so clearly, with so lively a pen, and with such economy the various intellectual currents that are now disturbing our cultural peace. What is even rarer is that the author grinds no axes, treating both sides of the culture wars with thoughtful charity and a deeply Christian intelligence. 'Woke' has important things to say and it does so in a highly readable manner

—Craig Stephen Copland, Author and former Staff Member, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
John Stackhouse is among the most learned, thoughtful and articulate voices working in the sphere of integrating Christian faith with the intellectual currents of contemporary culture. His chapters on the various streams of theory that have contributed to "woke" dogma and behavior are, of necessity, brief but accessible to any reader. What was surprising was his determined fairness in seeing in so many schools of thought the values that Christians should accept and practice, not attack with knee-jerk fury.