Consulting Session
Take an hour with Professor Stackhouse and see how you can think better, do better, and be better.
Service Description
Over several decades, Professor Stackhouse has been consulted by a wide range of clients—individual and corporate—regarding a wide range of issues: clarifying sexual ethics, accommodating religious practices in the workplace, formulating effective mission statements, establishing ethical and responsible governance structures, fostering healthy leadership transitions, solving communication difficulties, eliminating the poison of gossip, improving corporate productivity, clarifying individual vocation, and more. His clients have included CEOs of major summer campgrounds, leaders of university student ministries, pastors and boards of large congregations, denominational executives, apologetical and evangelistic ministries, university administrators and faculties, private school principals and teachers, criminal and civil lawyers, and local, provincial, and federal politicians—across Canada, the United States, and United Kingdom, and Australia. Professor Stackhouse wants clients to take their time to set out their circumstances and concerns. He asks follow-up questions to make clear what the challenge is and how it arose. Sometimes this analytical elucidation leads clients immediately to solve their own problems. If not, Professor Stackhouse will press further. A proponent of design thinking, Professor Stackhouse will lead clients to define as clearly as possible their optimal outcome—in short, to specify what success looks like to them. Then he works with clients to construct a range of plausible solutions and a critical grid by which to assess them. Clients therefore are helped to think better about what’s wrong, how we got here, where we want to go, and how best to get there. Some clients find they need only a single session to solve what needs solving. Others find a longer conversation helps to get a complex situation into focus and then frame a series of truly workable solutions. Still others don’t have a problem to solve so much as a burning desire to improve—to find excellence instead of mere adequacy. Take an hour with Professor Stackhouse and see how you can think better, do better, and be better.
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