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Are you woke? Should you be?

A brief and balanced guide to what it is—and why you should care

Is "Woke" Right or Wrong?


Introduces and explains the central concepts which define woke culture


Balanced assessment based on Scripture and scholarly social science


Realistic counsel for parents, professionals, pastors, and policy-makers

About The Book

I know of no other book that explains so clearly, with so lively a pen, and with such economy the various intellectual currents that are now disturbing our cultural peace.


What is even rarer is that the author grinds no axes, treating both sides of the culture wars with thoughtful charity and a deeply Christian intelligence.


Woke has important things to say and it does so in a highly readable manner.

Nigel Biggar, Ph.D., Regius Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology, University of Oxford


The Evangelical in "An Evangelical Guide" 

“Evangelical” here doesn’t mean what many people think it means. It means simply “of the gospel,” a religion centred on what God did, does, and will do in Jesus Christ.

It is no more, and no less, than a fervently faithful following of Jesus back to God and forward to the new world to come.

As such, it is bound to no ideology, no political party, and no ethnicity, but serves every neighbour and every nation with justice, compassion, and generosity.



A brief and balanced introduction and response to the culture of "woke" for busy people. 


Critical Theory 
Liberalism, Socialism, and Communism 
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 
Critical Race Theory 

Political Correctness 

Christians and Liberal Politics 
Christians and Critical Race Theory 
Christians and the Politics of Diversity 
Postmodernity Revisited 

Christians and the New Moralism

John Stackhouse, Author

Prof. John G. Stackhouse, Jr. 

Speaker, Author & Public Scholar 

Holding a Ph.D. in history and theology from The University of Chicago, Dr. John G. Stackhouse, Jr. has published a dozen books and lectures at universities around the world. 

His work has been featured by many media, such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Times Literary Supplement. He has appeared on national television and radio networks in the United States, Canada, and Australia.

John G. Stackhouse, Jr. has addressed audiences as varied as the Young Presidents Organization, the Kirby Laing Centre at Cambridge University, the Christian Medical and Dental Society, the Conservative Party of Canada, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Christians for Biblical Equality, and the Alberta Teachers Association.

He has also rendered expert testimony to the British Columbia Supreme Court,
the Manitoba Human Rights Commission, and the Canada Revenue Agency. He is a sought-after consultant with CEOs, physicians, industry leaders, pastors, lawyers, and politicians around the globe on culture, strategy, and ethics. 

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Author and speaker John G. Stackhouse, Jr. on Woke culture and Evangelicals
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